Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Listed and incorporated into the National Heritage on July 3, 1941, the Parish Church of Pirenópolis became the largest and oldest historical and ecclesiastical heritage in Goiás. The Holy Church is in a prominent position, inclined towards the Rio das Almas and open to the Serra dos Pirineus. National monument and main icon of the local historical heritage, its value transcends that of architectural and religious monument; It is the main point of liturgies and religious events in Pirenópolis as the Feast of the Divine Holy Spirit.
Establish a unique relationship of Christian spirituality with everyone who seeks our Parish, receiving the other as a neighbor, as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “faith is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and in all that He has told us, revealed and the Holy Church proposes us to believe, because He is the very truth. By faith, "man freely surrenders himself all to God."
Our Pastoral Territory encompasses the following Chapels and Communities:
- Nossa Senhora Aparecida Chapel, Soares Farm
- Santa Luzia Chapel, Furnas Region
- Santa Monica Chapel, Chapada Farm
- Santa Rita Chapel, Barbosa Region
- Santa Rita Chapel, Farm Contendas
- São Benedito Chapel, Fazenda Engenho
- São José Operário Chapel, Sea and War Region
- Divino Pai Eterno Community, Residencial Luciano Peixoto
- Nossa Senhora Aparecida Community, Morro Grande Farm
- Capela Aldeia da Paz, Bairro do Carmo
- Chapel of Our Lady of Fátima, Bairro Benedito de Pina
- Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Bairro do Carmo
- Nossa Senhor do Bonfim Chapel, Alto do Bonfim
- São Judas Tadeu Chapel, Bairro do Carmo
- Bom Jesus Chapel, Bom Jesus Farm
- Nossa Senhora D'Abadia Chapel, Retiro Farm
- Santo Antônio Chapel, Santo Antônio Village
For contemporary children and young people, Carlos says that the Eucharist is the infallible remedy to solve the problems of humanity, because in the Tabernacle we find Christ, the One who became incarnate out of love and suffered to save us. The Blessed was amazed by so much divine love for man and did not calm down before making known to others the extreme richness of this infinite love. Carlos' days, therefore, were centered around Mass and, when he could, he also did Eucharistic Adoration.
Precisely because of his ability to share the mysteries of faith with others, Carlo can be defined as a true apostle in all the environments in which he lived, which are typical of a teenager: family, school, sports, leisure, travel, games.
As a layman, the Blessed was able to revive the fervor and Christian practice also in many consecrated persons and priests. He was an authentic witness to the truth of the parable of the vine and the branches. In fact, he always tried to remain attached to the vital lymph of the trunk of the vine, Christ the Lord, to bear abundant fruit in everything he did and planned.