Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
The Parish Church of Pirenópolis is considered the most important building of Brazilian heritage built with the ancestral technique of rammed earth. Traditional Catholic Church in the state of Goiás, it is dedicated to Nossa Senhora do Rosário, whose image came to Pirenópolis in 1727, becoming the city's patron saint.
May Our Lady of the Rosary lead our meditation and recitation of the mysteries of Christ.
Mass Schedules
Domingo: Igreja Matriz 07:00; 09:00; 18:00; 20:00
Capela Santa Luzia 07:00
Residencial Luciano Peixoto 08:30
Igreja Nª Sr. do Bonfim 11:00
Quarta-feira: Igreja Matriz 07:00; 19:30
Quinta-feira: Igreja Matriz 07:00
Capela São Judas Tadeus 19:30
Sexta-feira: Igreja Matriz 07:00
Igreja Matriz 19:30 (Somente a 1ª sexta de cada mês)